Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ashley Madison

I was watching the Tyra Banks show and I they were talking about a website called Ashley Madison and I was appalled by what i heard so i thought i would check it out. 

Anyone who knows me will tell you that i am a huge marriage advocate, I love marriage, I love being married and I love seeing people get married. So I get to the website and on the homepage it says "Affairs guaranteed" I don't understand. This website is an attached and married affair network. Am I missing something? Please explain if I am.. Here's how I see it:

If you are not happy in a marriage GET OUT.  Why would you stay in an unhappy marriage? For the kids? You're making an extremely unhealthy relationship for your kids if you are in an unhappy marriage, kids can tell when their parents are not happy. Why would you stay in that marriage be unfaithful and potentially hurt your spouse. Its not fair. I don't understand. Infidelity has grown enormously in the past ten years, Tiger Woods stands as a perfect example how many girls did he cheat with? Like five? I don't know I don't pay attention to that but, his wife.. My heart actually breaks for that poor woman and her children, they are going to grow up and hear about how their father hurt their mom. My heart aches for Elin. Infidelity has become sort of acceptable in society and it is not okay.


Anonymous said...

I agree that people should get out of a relationship rather than cheat. However, it's not always that simple. Sometimes people are in debt up to their ears, and they can't afford a divorce, because they a) can't pay for the divorce and b) couldn't afford to live on their own. And that's disregarding c) that people get comfortable in a relationship after a handful of years and they get scared to leave it, even if they aren't in love with the person at present and whatnot.

Now again, I am not saying anyone should ever go out and have an affair. It's terrible for the other person in the relationship. But there are sometimes legitimate reasons why people cannot simply "get out" of a relationship to pursue someone else. It's not always so black & white.

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